Thursday, November 16, 2017

Ultimate Coaster X Developer Update #2: Water, Tunnels, and Trees

A video that shows off the new features
Facing a massive B&M invert
That B&M invert, but from another angle
A B&M hypercoaster just after leaving the lift hill

Hi all,

Sorry for the lack of updates these past weeks, but I feel I have made some good progress, and I certainly have learned a lot along the way.

I've refactored all the model generation code so it takes only ~1-2 seconds to generate the entire mesh for one roller coaster.

Terrain editing is done real-time, and building a coaster into the terrain or raising the terrain into a coaster will automatically create tunnels!!

I've been working on making decent-looking trees that are not GPU-intensive to render, as performance is much more important than quality, especially when this game is a roller coaster game, not a tree game.

Finally, water. Lowering terrain past a certain point will create water, with reflects trees, coasters, and clouds. I hope you guys all like it!


Monday, October 23, 2017

Ultimate Coaster X Developer Update #1: Terrain!

I've been working on a crude terrain editor, and I have attached a screenshot showing the results. There's a lot of work to do still, but I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out. Adding underground tunnels would be super nice, and I hope to add those at some point, but it may be pretty hard to do so I may or may not add them. Let me know what your opinion on this is!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

B&M Invert Video

Here's a video showing off what a B&M inverted coaster looks like in Ultimate Coaster X. I hope you all enjoy it!

Our blog is live!

Hi all!

My name is Jason and I'm a student at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, but I'll go by Phony on this blog (there's a long backstory to the name, and I know it is silly). I love game development, roller coasters, and going out on weekends. I've worked on games before such as Space Raider and Ultimate Coaster (Android) (IOS).

I'll be using this blog to update you all on my game development endeavors. My current project is Ultimate Coaster X, a roller coaster editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In the coming posts, I'll have screenshots, videos, and general updates on my progress.
I hope you all continue to follow this blog and enjoy the stuff I release ( :
